Go Music!

We love music!  Hearing, seeing, learning, performing and creating music brings joy to our lives.  Our world needs more musicians.

If you came to this page at the suggestion of your music director or booster group, please enjoy these videos and consider the fun you will have in high-school music as you learn vital creative skills and perspectives that will serve you beyond music for the rest of your life.

For lots of helpful information regarding high school bands in the Auburn school district, please visit…


Band Highlights Videos (without performances)



Marching Band Performances


Festival Performances


Concert Performances


Choir and Vocal Performances

  • Abby Miles – NATS 2015 High School Women’s Classical
  • Alex Marx – NATS 2016 College Women’s Musical Theater
  • Rodger Skaggs – NATS 2017 High School Men’s Musical Theater
  • Bella Zuniga – NATS 2017 High School Women’s Classical
  • AMHS Combined Choirs 2017 “Joyful Joyful”