Were you looking for the ordering page for 2023 EVG events? Click HERE.
Still available for a limited time!
- Playable DVD in classic Amaray case with event artwork, including USA shipping directly from manufacturer. Delivery in about one week.
- $25 each (price on website is $19.80 to reflect USA shipping)
Order your Quartet or Chorus performance videos from 2024 EVG District Convention and Contest, October 4-5 in Portland, Oregon. Cutoff for orders is October 25.
(NOTE: If you're not certain you will make the finals, please place your order after the announcement of finalists, as the CC processing fees are not refunded to us. For the same reason, please coordinate with your quartet/chorus partners ahead of time if you do not plan to purchase multiple copies.)
Links to your downloadable videos will be delivered by email within a few days.
(You may only purchase your own performances. Consider subscribing to our private broadcast network to view the entire contest (not available to download).)
LIMITED TALENT RELEASE: Placing this order is a request for Silent Knight Productions (SKP) to make audio/video/photographic recordings of my/our performance for my/our personal archival use. I understand that copyrighted works in these recordings have not been licensed by the rights holders for any other use, including uploads to social media websites (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube). I give my consent for these recordings of my/our likeness and voice to be modified, edited and otherwise used for any purpose without my approval or further consent, and that identifying information provided in this form may be used for purposes of portfolio or crediting my performance. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify (SKP) and BHS Evergreen District (EVG) from any claims arising from use of these media files and related information.